Value of a Gemstone

Ever wondered how gemstones are valued ? Why Sapphires, Rubies and Diamonds are highly valued to more affordable beautiful Topaz and Amethyst. To be a gem , a mineral must share three important characteristic beauty , durability and rarity.


Beauty of the gemstone is the most important factor of the value of a gemstone . In gemstones, beauty results from a combination of colour , optical effects , clarity and cut.

  • Colour

Colour is the first thing you notice in a gemstone. For this reason colour quality and value are inseparable. Fine colour gemstones has a higher value. It’s usually the colour that is medium to dark in tone and high in saturation. Often the most valuable colour is also the rarest one. Slightest variation in hue, tone and saturation can make a huge difference in price. Greenish blue sapphire is worth only a fraction of the price paid for vivid blue sapphires.

  • Optical Effect

Some gemstones possess striking optical effects which set them apart as unique. Phenomenon gems like Star Sapphire exhibit a star like phenomenon, This striking effect known as Asterism, Opal shifting flashes of rainbow colours called Play of colour, when light strikes Moonstone result is delicate light move across the gemstone, Alexandrite displays even rarer special effect - Colour change. Phenomenon gems get their special effect from the way their structure interact with light. The stronger the effect, more valuable the phenomenon gemstone. Some are abundant and some extremely rarer.
Lustre , the external reflection of the light by the surface of a gemstone also influence the value. Most gemstones are polished to get a high lustre.

  • Clarity

Major part of any transparent stone value is it’s clarity, which is it’s degree of freedom from inclusions. Very few gemstones are totally free of inclusions because of the way gem crystals form, inclusions are almost inevitable but eye visible inclusions can have a negative effect on the value.

  • Cut

Cut is the human contribution to a gemstone's appearance. A stone is more beautiful when it’s shape and proportions are well balanced. A well cut stone brings out the beauty and brilliance more also influence the clarity through the elimination or strategic positioning of inclusions.


Knowing how durable a certain gemstone will help you to decide how, when to wear it and most importantly care for it. Durability is a combination of three factors, Hardness, Toughness and Stability. Hardness measures how well a gemstone resist scratching. Toughness is the ability to withstand breaking, chipping and cracking.

Hardness and Toughness are not the same thing. Diamond has the highest hardness in Mohs Scale of mineral hardness but more chance to break apart when stuck , Sapphires has a lesser hardness than Diamond but sapphire could withstand breaking and chipping more than the Diamond.

Stability measures how well a gemstone resist the effect of light, heat and chemicals. The cleaning solutions that make sapphire sparkle can damage Apatite. Likewise everyday Sunlight can fade Kunzite over time.


Most gemstones are somewhere in the middle of a rarity scale but some gems are more rarer than others, A few are so rarer they are considered collection item. Amethyst was as expensive as Ruby and Emerald until the 19th Century, when Brazil large deposits were discovered prices became more affordable.

At Azeiya, each gemstone is hand chosen for it’s exceptional quality, We only select the purest of stones and prettiest of colours to create vibrant pieces.


World Renowned Sapphires